Friday, September 5, 2008

Welcome Home

I've been chosen as a new beta tester for home and let me first start off by saying its AMAZING! I will spell out some things that have been misreported and some things that have been greatly reported by DLB. I would like to give him credit on his walkthroughs, because I believe their the best little tutorials on the net. As far as some of the other misreporting on home, let me dispel all the critics and naysayers. Upon receiving home you will have to go through a series of downloads that do take a long time, but the people that are doing the misreporting of home want you to believe that these long downloads occur all the time. Let me say once you have gone through the initial download of all the home spaces, Harbour Studio, the Central Plaza, the GameSpace, the Theatre, and the Mall the loading times to move between space to space is on average only 8-10 sec. Its been reported that the graphics are lack luster. This is another false report on homes graphics. The graphics inside home are great. From the flow and feel of the courtyard to the look and texture of the water to the jumbo tv's mounted throughout home and the beautiful placement of the adds. To not be impressed by homes graphics is ridiculous. The only thing I dislike and think they can change with the graphics are the customization of the avatars. The hair looks like garbage, but a minor detail in the big scheme of things. Even with the limited things they give you in the beta to customize your space and avatar sometimes you can get stuck in your apartment and dressing room for hours. There is not enough information on how to navigate through home upon entering the Harbour Studio to customize your character. There are no icons that let you know how to pull up your psp where a majority of the information is located on your psp xmb if not all. Currently there are a lot of features on the psp xmb that are not accessible, but once implemented the home community will be as strong as XBL if not stronger in my opinion. While in home I've made some new friends and heard some rumors as well. This is just a rumor, but seeing the growth and simplicity of making new friends in home I see it happening. I heard that Sony is thinking of adding the friends list to 200. Another thing I discovered while in home is its not region locked. So if your invited to the Japan home you may go. I didn't ask him whether or not the UK version of home is different from the US version or if Japan is the only territory that has a different version of home. I'm excited to hear that they will be incorporating folding at home with home. So whenever your in home you'll automatically be folding. I think that's great, because I was never sold on folding. I would like for Sony to release home as is glitches, freezes, and all cause at the end of the day its phenominal.

MAJOR SIDE NOTE: For those who have become a new beta tester for home and trying to figure out how to voice chat in home, here's how.

pull up your psp by pressing the start button on your controller.

Once on your psp, head over to your settings on your psp xmb and select chat and make sure its enabled then go to sound.
Change your input device to your ps3 camera and your output device to your bluetooth.

That should give you sound and BIG SHOT OUT to DBLACK and ADVENTVALOR for helping me while I was in home.

posted by blip74


Anonymous said...

BLIP UPDATES ON HOME; the game launching feature in home works and its awesome. You can create and launch to any downloaded game on your console or any game in your disk drive as well as create a session and private slots for that game.

Anonymous said...

MORE UPDATES ON HOME; I've experienced the japanese version of home and in my opinion theirs is better. The plaza is slightly better, but they need to do a better job with tv screens and posters. Their theatre and arcade are far superior to ours. The Mall is identical. There is no new updates for home at the current time, and they need to release previous features that were in other betas ala picture frames also if you've been in the japanese version of home it should show on your world map of home and you should be able to launch into whenever you like. blip out,