Friday, August 1, 2008


It's been a long time coming. I've been waiting for SoulCaliburIV for some time and the wait is finally over. I had some reservations about the game when I learned that there wouldn't be any rumble or trophy support, but the game never supported the rumble feature in previous SC games so it wasn't that much of a let down. Plus SC is not a game to truly benefit from trophies unless your a true trophy whore. There was alot of debate on having not having Kratos in the game, and only featuring 4 new charaters, but once I heard it was going to be online there was no doubt in my mind I was going to get this game. The fighting is what makes this game amazing and as always they never disappoint. However there was a little disappointment come to find that there wasn't tag like in the Tekken Tag game or Marvel vs Capcom 2 as reported on other sites. We would have seen the Ultimate Match Ups if they were to have put that feature in the game. The fighting mechanics are flawless,the graphics are ridiculous, and the extra character creation is WHOLE LOT better than the third version. As much as I like the game I do have to smash the game for its minor miscues. Other than that, it is a definite must have for your fighting collection. Be on the look out for our SoulCalibur tournament.
posted by blip74

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