Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Everyone has a review as of what took place from Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony, so here are my thoughts; I'm not going to rate or grade the conference like everyone else, but I'm going to try and shed some light as to what took place from all three major players. First up we had Microsoft and I thought their press conference was boring. They focused a majority of their time praising themselves with numbers and not showing games. The games that they did show for the console were not too impressive, and the impressive things that we did see were seen previous to the show. The new interface that they will be rolling out and avatars, to me was a sign that their current dashboard is prehestoric and their playing follow the leader. Lips is a very cool idea and definitely sounds a step above SINGSTAR, but will the game deliver or will MS just be giving us lip service? Their show stopper was the announcement that FFXIII will be on 360. Now thats big, but not HUGE. The game will still be exclusive in Japan and the Playstation will still have FFVS. exclusive to the system. I see the move as a way to negate playstation sells in North America and Europe, but it was a blow to Final Fantasy fans and does put the question out there, "will the game be dumbed down?"
Ninetendo's press conference presentation was worse than MS, but I think they had a better showing of games. Most of the games unveiled were predicted "Animal Crossing online and STAR OCEAN" but what took place on the DS even knowing that they would have a strong showing was HUGE. GTA, GUITAR HERO, POKEMON, and Chinatown on the DS and Wii music stole the show from MS in my opinion. Just being aware of how the Guitar Hero and Rockband franchise has taken off, Wii music is going to be instant gold.
It was now Sony's time to shine and truthfully they had a lot to prove after being given a HUGE BODY BLOW with FFXIII and the demonstration with Wii music was genius.
Sony lead off their show with RESISTANCE 2 and so much has been seen from this title they needed to show us something BIG and they did. The boss battle with the Leviathan was a step above the GEARS2 SHOWING in my opinion. I enjoyed how they had the demonstration of LBP to present the dry portion of their conference which was cool. THE PSP WAS KILLER. The announcements of RESISTANCE -RETRIBUTION-, PATAPON 2, Stardust HD Portable, and the list goes on. The Playstation store is going to get some serious content with RATCHET and CLANK FUTURE: QUEST FOR BOOTY, SIREN: Blood Curse, and Videos. They also announced a price drop for the 80GB PS3 and a new PSP RATCHET and CLANK SIZE MATTERS bundle. There was so much from sony including the new home spaces and their show stoppers were both MAG and GOD OF WAR III.
In general I wasn't that surprised as to what took place at E3 other than I would have thought MS would have showcased the multiplatform games more, but it was Sony. The only multiplatform game we saw from MS was R5.
posted by blip74

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